Tuesday, September 16, 2008


"If freedom is short of weapons, we must compensate with willpower." - Adolf Hitler

Our country has seen a dramatic shift in ideology. From a generation of hard working men and women, willing to sacrifice anything for their country, we've become a new generation with an entirely new ideology. We avoid responsibility because it's unlikely we'll actually follow through. We don't set dates or times for ourselves because we won't keep them. We live by the creed: work later, play now, spend everything, and think of no one but yourself. And look what it has done for us...

To protect ourselves from the "eminent" threat of a "very likely" terrorist attack we've sacrificed our rights. We passed the Patriot Act, allow government to tax and take from us whenever and whatever it pleases (to prop up its overseas presence in 130 countries), we restrict our First Amendment rights for fear of retaliation, and allow the government to take income from us, control our wages, and inflate our prices without even so much as a "hey, there!" Is it ever ok to sacrifice freedom for safety, and has it ever worked?

To satisfy our urges we run up credit bills that only the government can bail us out of. We think only of the fleeting moment. It used to be that you'd only buy a house that was 3x your annual income. If you made $50,000 a year, it only made sense to buy a house in the $150,000 range. Nowadays, however, it isn't uncommon for a person to buy a house 10x they're annual income and wonder a year later why they're being foreclosed on. If you make $50,000 a year, it now seems only reasonable to buy a house in the $500,000 range, because the government will undoubtedly insure your loan and back your mortgage. So why not, right?

And when it comes to the blame games, we let the television tell us who's at fault. Television!? Television is the home of "The Simpsons" and "The Gilmore Girls." Television is entertainment, no matter what show you watch, or at what time you watch it, or on what channel: Fox, CNN, MSNBC, ABC. They're all fake. All television is in the boredom killing business. What are we thinking? Is this simply out of convenience? Because television is instant we sacrifice our ability to make competent decisions and judgments based on actual, factual information in exchange for the flip of a switch? Have we ever learned anything meaningful from television? I always thought the glowing tube was dumbing our generation down. What happened to the "Week without a TV" that so many schools used to employ? Why are our teachers sending us home to do reports on shows like "Meet the Press" instead of books like "War and Peace?"

It is time we wake up and realize what We are allowing to happen. Our generation has the tools to fight back: computers, email, fast cars, brains, time.

Let's take our American birth right back.
Let's get the big government, incompetent, liberals (Republican, Democrat, Green, etc.) out of office and off of OUR payroll.
Let's not forget that for the world, we are the shining city on the hill.
Let's start a Revolution!

And for goodness sake, Let's Be On Time! This is the most important moment in world history. If we're late in acting, if we procrastinate, or if we fail to do anything at all, we will inherit a system that We are responsible for. Get out and Write! Get out and Read! Get out and Speak! And if nothing else, Get out and Vote!

This is a time to Act. The world is watching and locked in step behind us. Let's get out and lead.

Let the Revolution begin!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Welcome to Liberty OnLine


I am Acwaverun and this blog is the brainchild of my personal experiences growing up in Southern California and my fervent support of Texas Representative Ron Paul. SANDRA IS COOL!!!